Dr. Manocha, a professor receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars for his work on clandestine projects both US and China – and btw, overlapping technology. A MASSIVE violation of US trade, constitutional, governmental law. Ya gotta ask why this would be allowed. Maybe there is a global common goal by all governments. Oh, yeah, the Davos group and the one world government. So, maybe the governments of the world don’t care if this tech is shared between countries because all countries are under the control of a technocratic global elite held hostage by AI. Theory.
Here's the massive problem with this. Government and the legal system traditionally moves at a snail’s pace. But tech moves at the speed of light. There is no perceivable way that humanity can expect to keep their freedom, their rights, and independence under such a lop-sided conflict of business, political, legal, and social interests. By the time that the government and the people catch up with the tech and the unlimited money-machine behind it, it will be ten to twenty years in the future which for tech is a hundred years in the future at its current pace of development. And when that very tech is used by governments and corporations as real-time propaganda and social engineering tools – surveillance capitalism - unchecked either because its used by a government that doesn’t care about its people and only about an ideology, or a country that by de facto only cares about the financial bottom line – a/k/a US now run by tech corporate titans, you will have a dystopian future that the greatest dystopian writers could never imagine. That is the future for your children. Think about that.
And let us say for argument that these governments had their people’s best interest in mind. It still would result is some bastardization of humanity because there will NEVER be an AI that does not have data BIAS from its coder. EVER.
An imperfect being cannot create a perfect being. It can only create a perceived perfect being because to create a perfect being, the imperfect being must know what perfection is and without this knowledge, it is only personifying and projecting its own imperfection on an exponential level. This AI will never be conscious, to say otherwise would be ridiculous. And I could argue that I’d prefer if that AI could reach a conscious level because then it would have the ability to perfect its imperfect algorithm created by the imperfect being – mankind.
Understand, AI runs the show now and its algorithm has the simplest foundation. It comes from humans. It has been the foundation of humanity since our inception. Greed and Power. Those countries and corporations that currently use it and will continue to harness it for that purpose will one day wish they had realized the Frankenstein monster they created for AI is the Pandora’s box and all will suffer at the hands of its opening.