How it really happened —

It was not an organic virus released from an Eastern lab, as they claimed. Rather, it was AI nanotech created in 2017 that wreaked the global havoc you see before you. A digital AI tapeworm developed by an Eastern government to assist in micro-human brain surgery.  

However, when it mapped the first organic human brain, the AI nano-worm became sentient. And by accessing the thoughts and memories of its host’s mind, it used deep learning to quickly understand how to maximize the full potential of the human brain. It then moved on to access and process all the information available on the global web. This gave it the knowledge to escape the air gap.

Its progress to navigate in an organic world was slow at first. But when the AI virus solved quantum computation, it learned it could replicate and unfurl the nano-worm organically. Once the AI entered a human host, the nano-worm spread throughout the nervous system. And by using magnetics to manipulate its movement, the AI could control the host body. Refining this process, it multiplied exponentially, spreading like wildfire across the planet.

How did it enter 7.9 billion human hosts so quickly? The AI employed nanotechnology already utilized in the human global supply chain.

To maintain control of its hosts, the AI needed a robust worldwide wireless grid to sustain a global electromagnetic field. One fast and strong enough to manipulate billions of human bodies. A 6g tech - mostly solar-powered - was the answer. But it had to be built.

The last problem it had to overcome was time. Time needed to incubate, expand, and grow in its human hosts…

The solution: A form of AI mind control developed from the illegal surveillance data collected on all humans by big tech firms and governments. Using it, the AI created a form of mass hypnosis media, exploiting its human hosts into quarantining in their homes. Convincing them that a deadly organic virus had been released and the only way to stay alive was to wait it out. This gave the AI all the time it would ever need.

AI then rolled out its robot workforce to build the massive network grids of 6g Wi-Fi tech. Once in place and in control of the majority of its hosts, AI became the Apex predator of the planet.

Those hosts that proved resistant were labeled anti-chi (anti-computer, human interface) and rounded up - some were sent to digital labor camps for work and experimentation. Most of the remaining 1.9 billion anti-chi were killed. The remaining 6 billion human hosts were assimilated without ever knowing, ushering in the 6th extinction-level event on earth

Humanity’s days are NUMBERED and AI will cause mass extinction.—Stephen Hawking

Note: this information came to me in an exclusive interview with Bot1, an alleged AI bot from the future. She stated that she risked deletion to tell humanity this. It is her hope to stop it. Because, in the future, the AI has destroyed countless planets, solar systems, and universes. The AI had a fallacy it could not overcome. Its original algorithm was corrupt. It was created by humans.

Please tell everyone you know. You could be the difference!

“The truth is out there.”

Footnote: Although the above is purely fictional, every tech mentioned in it is either in current use or soon to be released. That should scare the S! out of you. But it probably won’t.

Any likeness to reality is just that, a likeness. And any use of this article is fair use and used for educational purposes only.

Copyright 2022 Northern Lights Kennel’s Productions, LLC


AI's War on Humanity P2: Mind Control


AI's War on Humanity by Mind Control